Sunday, January 9, 2011

Picture Poacher

The thing about being a nurse is you don't have time to take pictures of your work. But here's my attempt to add some pictures I stole from other people. I'll probably add more later, but I've now grown impatient with waiting for pictures to upload.

 Little boy in the Cite Soleil clinic. This child bit me four times while Brenden was putting in his IV.
 Back in the 5th Section of Saint-Marc. We were two hours off the main road doing cholera education. This is how the people traveled to see us - through the river of cholera water.

 Front room of the clinic in Cite Soleil. This was intended to be an oral rehydration area, but ended up being an IV overflow area.
 Twins in St. Damien's clinic. I thought we ought to "adopt" them, but some other people didn't really think that was a good idea.
Global DIRT team working hard at St. Damien's.

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