Friday, September 10, 2010

No Hablo Creole

We arrived safely in Haiti this afternoon, as did all our luggage. Trying to keep our luggage in our possession until we found our driver was a bit more of a challenge. I more or less ended up fighting this man for my luggage cart, even though Leah kept telling him we weren't going to pay him. So we compromised and both pushed my cart at the same time. After our two hour drive along the coast to our house, Patrick, one of Leah's friends, came and picked us up and took us to the base where there was food waiting for us. I have met my match with hot sauce. The bottle says, "One drop does it" but I failed to read that until I'd drowned my fries in it. I met some more people at the base, and some of them find it particularly amusing that I don't speak a lick of Creole. So instead, they speak to me in Spanish. That way, I can verbalize how I don't understand them.
We're headed to the market in the morning since our cupboards and fridge are bare. And morning is going to come too soon for this night owl. But I don't anticipate having too much trouble sleeping despite the music, dogs, and goats outside my windows.


  1. yay! i appreciate this post. thanks for the update. glad all is well for now! use that spanish girl!
    : ) love you! sweet dreams.

  2. groshy! i am so happy you have a blog ... i added it to my blogroll as "groshy" of course. haiti sounds amazing, so much adventure and so many people to meet ... makes my heart eager for my next trip!!! soak it up for me and if the dogs keep you up, my advice is: tell them to be quiet. that's what i did in nepal. :) and as for the goats - happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat. ;) love you!

  3. so glad your spanish comes in handy! :) and apparently you have some internet access... hope your weekend went well!
